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5-D Consulting

5-D Consulting uses the 5-D Framework to develop businesses, churches, and all other organizations across the five expressions of leadership & work.


5-D is about building a Discipleship Culture based on the Five-Fold Leadership Equipping Gifts in Ephesians 4:11. These gifts are leaders that are given to the church to “equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.” (ESV)


Churches based on a one-leader ministry model build their culture across only one dimension of the five dimensions (gifts) that were given by God for this very purpose.


When we do not provide a way to build church cultures with all five leaderships gifts engaged, we often revert from equipping the people for the work to doing the work ourselves, and their growth is stunted.


5-D Leadership Cultures are about equipping, training, empowering, and releasing people into their calling.


Don’t stunt your church’s growth. Build a 5-D Culture.


You can do it, and we want to help.

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