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FiveFold Leadership

in the Church & Marketplace

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Through Speaking, Consulting, Teaching, and Coaching, Joseph works as a catalyst to launch people and organizations into stratosphere of success in their assignment.

Based on Joseph’s 20 Year study and experience with the Fivefold Leadership Gifts, he empowers people to become change agents bringing eternal truths to bear upon the world in an apostolic collision.


Joseph trains people how to live with prophetic insight, living undistracted from surface issues and symptoms, learning how to identify the root problems without getting hung up on them, but looking beyond them to creative solutions using the Three Heavens Framework.


​Joseph is the developer of the C2C Coaching Model helping people move from their Calling to their Commissioning.

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Image by Samuel Pereira


Get the Free E-Book Developing a Discipleship Culture by Joseph Perry

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Request Joseph to speak at your next event, conference, or church.

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